Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Believe in Thimbles

I've often heard a quote in church about not needing to dress like the rest of the world (immodestly) because they still sell sewing machines and goods at the store, and I've often though, "But, Lord, I'm TERRIBLE at sewing! How could I ever do that?!" I'm beginning to wonder if the time has come where I won't be able to buy anything in the store: I now feel I can sew...a little bit!

I decided to get crafty last Wed., and stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up some fabric to try my hand at sewing. Mind you, I had not done any sewing of my own free will since I was 14 and was scarred for life by my older sister whose patience was exceeded. Anyway, in the past week I've made aprons for Lovely and Snugglebug, and I turned a pair of $5 jeans into a really cute skirt with a pleat in the back. I also made a necklace for the first time (not counting macaroni or string necklaces).

Miraculously, I only had a couple seams to rip out, I only cried at the very beginning when I couldn't figure out how to use my sewing machine that I had purchased two years ago, and although I have a few needle marks in the tips of my fingers, I'm really looking forward to my next project (I'll let you know once they're completed--yes, there is more than one project in my mind). I had no idea how freeing a lack of a pattern is! I used a cheap kid's apron as my example for the girls (yes, I realize aprons are a 7th grade home-ec project, but you have to start somewhere, right?) and just cut and matched the fabric for the skirt. Although these aren't grade A, excellent products, I have had a wonderful talent in the past of sewing the wrong sides of material together, making things much tighter and smaller than I had ever measured or imagined, and overall, my sewing stank! This time I used a can-do attitude, and although I've tried it in the past, it worked this time!

Here's a look at my projects:

Snugglebug's Apron Lovely's Apron. She has a fascination with "spots" right now.

Front of $5 jeans (this is Lovely's, of course)

Back of $5 jeans


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  1. Awwww Jennifer that is awesome! I for one am soooooo proud of you! I too am in the same boat. I grew up with a mom and could sew almost anything. She wanted to badly for her only daughter to share her love of sewing...NOT! That was the last thing I wanted to do was be stuck inside sewing something frilly while I could be outside tromping all over the local forestry..(yes I know I was weird)
    But now it pains me deeply because I'd give anything to know how to sew, but it is so hard to learn when I have a mother that is great at it and retired not 2 miles from me:)

  2. Great job, Jennifer! I need to more sewing...I just always seemed to get sidetracked on some other project. Right now my main focus is losing fat and reducing clutter so I guess sewing will be on the sidelines for now.
