Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fattenin' Them Up

We have a birdfeeder. I bought it several years ago, but only recently finished painting it, etc. Sunday night, after church, we bought a bag of bird seed, but I'm too short to hang it in the tree and we don't have a ladder, so I said Daddy will have to do it.

Yesterday after he got home from work, Lovely and Snugglebug asked Hubby to hang the birdfeeder. Then, Lovely asked him which birds would come to eat the food. Hubby said lots of different kinds, and he started naming the different kinds.

"And they will get fat, right?" Lovely asked, excitedly.

"Sure," Hubby replied innocently.

"And then we can shoot 'em!" Lovely exclaimed.

Lovely has apparently learned the idea behind baiting animals. Unfortunately for her, it is illegal in the state of Indiana, and in our eyes, unethical. So, feed, little birdies, feed, without the fear of a five year old's maniacal plans!
