Monday, April 19, 2010

Meandering Monday

Honestly, since school is out for a few more weeks, I can't keep my days straight. However, I have set high goals for this week. The number one priority is to reorganize my house, daunting as it may sound. I have rearranged furniture left and right, donated several bags to charity, and I have created a pile for my *gasp* yardsale plans. However, I am still disturbed by the picture surrounding me right now:

(Picture me in the black chair...well, picture a younger, skinnier version). This is the office. This is also the Place-Everything-You-Don't-Know-What-To-Do-With-And-What-You-Don't-Feel-Like-Putting-Away Room. I plan on turning it into an office/school room, where I can keep all school supplies tidy and organized (scoff if you must). Is there anyway to save this space?! I warn you--the other wall is just as bad as this.


1 comment:

  1. are to funny Jennifer! hahah You can do it! I am at such a stand still for organizing my spaces. My best friend is a organizing whiz. So when I think of organizing I think of $$..all those gagets and items to stack and store cost $$! So I'll just wait till another day...GOOD LUCK!
