Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It Didn't Happen Wednesday

This post is inspired by the "Not Me Wednesdays" I've read on other blogs....

I didn't wake up to have to change my daughter's sheets...again...
Lovely didn't tell me she broke my 12 yr old beautiful soap dispenser that I can't replace...
I didn't pour one cup of milk in the blender only to watch it flow out of the bottom (that I of course would have attached correctly)...
I didn't hang new drapes in the girls' room only to learn I had bought two different lengths...
I didn't iron the drapes last night and think, "Wow, that one didn't take nearly as long as the last one..." and never question why...

I think that about sums up my day thus far.  Now, it's off to Target to see if I can find a matching drape...

P.S.  First day of ClickNKids--phonics was AWESOME!  She did a great job and only got a couple wrong.  I think the real problem with phonics is that she knows how to do it but she...errrr...a little...lazy?  And doesn't want to take the time to apply what she knows.  Spelling was another story, though.  She needs to repeat Lesson 1 because she had problems spelling 'all' and 'ball' over and over again.  Pluses to the program:  interactive, cute, entertaining.  Minuses:  sometimes the words aren't pronounced as loudly as I would like and the spelling program doesn't leave problem words up long enough for the student to really study. 