Sunday, February 21, 2010

Experimentation with Design & School Breaks

As you can see, I'm trying out new designs for this blog, and so I am regretting not getting a degree in graphic design after all! Let me know what you think--there may be more changes in the days to come. There are just too many templates out there to choose just one, but at the same time, no one template is "popping out" to me. I'm interesting in creating my own background and banner, but my Photoshop isn't working right now (I think my computer is about to explode), and I just don't have the time. Perhaps I'll have more time this summer on the school break.

Speaking of breaks, do you take a full summer break, or do you take a smaller break and complete school on a different schedule than public schools? At this time, we're on schedule to finish Kindergarten by the end of April, but I'm hesitant to wait until August to begin again. I'd like to do some summer school to keep dd up to speed--what are your plans?


  1. I think a little bit of review is good during the summer. I know I'm psycho compared to most home school moms, most of them like time off. I don't do well when I slow down, it makes me lazy!

    For the most part we stick to the public school schedule. Even the summer school part ;)

  2. This year we will finish a little later than in the past. When I get to a certain point I might drop M down to 3 days a week to keep us going while still get some fun time during the nicer weather. I'm noticing more with homeschooling, a year-round schedule actually works pretty well. Take the time you need when you need it!

  3. Oh, by the way! I can see you've been a bit busy on the layout of your page! lol No wonder you hadn't updated in a couple of days. I really like it! Looks like you! Classic! :)
